Photo Gallery Roller
W2a) Annealed roller. Measure voltages with vibration. System WIAP MEMV.
W2b) Heavy rollers shake. Not stress annealing. System WIAP MEMV.
W2c) 15 tons of machine bed shake, vibrate. System WIAP MEMV.
W2d) Jim Peter Widmer, Hanspeter Widmer. WIAP MEMV relax with vibration.
W2e) Vibrate only. Not glow. System WIAP MEMV
W2f) As a substitute for stress annealing. System WIAP MEMV.
W2g) WIAP MEMV VSR analysis
W2h) MEMV ring to relax with vibration.
W2i) Vibration Relax has no alternative that is cheaper.
W2j) Metal relax with vibration. Process engineers Jim and Sven Widmer
W2k) shaker test WIAP MEMV annealed and not annealed.
W2l) Metal relax with vibration. WIAP MEMV
W2m) WIAP vibrates with 400x less energy than the stress annealing
W2n) MEMV project engineer Jim Peter Widmer
W2o) Power saving with vibration instead stress annealing.