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Vietnam investigation on residual stresses

Interim report





Report WM_886_r1_Measuring _Interim report word

Report WM_886_r1_Measuring_Interim report pdf

Interim report Original















• Project title: Research, exploitation and use of residual stress measuring device based on the effect Stressvision 2.05 made of elastic.

• Implementation: 12 months (from 01/2014 to 12/2014)

• Financing: 60 million VND

• Project leader: Luu Vu Nhut, materials engineer

• Responsible Unit: Non-destructive Evaluation Center Institute of Atomic Energy Huy Vietnam

This research report from Vietnam contains some measurement methods which we also included in our single info what we still missing. We thank the UN colleagues for the good report. We thank Dimitri, UA that he delivered to us.

Only an open policy, can help, in general better to survey everything regarding residual stresses.

Greeting Wiap Switzerland j, s.i, h




















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