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                                                                                              Investigation reports WIAP MEMV 2019


Erfahrungsbericht 2019 PDF Englisch


Investigation report  WIAP MEMV - Date: January 2019


Metal relax with vibration 


(MEMV = Metal relax with vibration or short: Relax with vibration)




Chapter 1.          Introduction

Chapter 2.          WIAP DM3S: Machine with MEMV treated components

Chapter 3.          Effectively stimulate and relax even heavy-duty components

Chapter 4.          Current research project

Chapter 5.          Patent receive the end of 2018. - current status

Chapter 6.          MEMV treated 12-m-pipes including dead centers


Chapter 7.          Vibrate plastic - an alternative to tempering?

Chapter 8.          Vibrate cold-drawn material before hardening - delay


Chapter 9.          Explanation of specific terms

Chapter 10.       Summary and Conclusion



1. Introduction


For decades the WIAP AG maintains excellent contact to technical facilities, in particular is to be mentioned here Professor also our old friend. The contact includes the mutual exchange of information, joint improvements or the exchange to customers where students do their theses. The collaboration with the professor is still highly active. The currently successful test with the PSI, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen / CH (see Chapter 4) was his statement: "This is logical." Since he taught in colleges and also at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, metallurgy, it belongs to a recognized capacity in his fields. The technology "Metal relax with vibration" offers his opinion against the "stress relieving" numerous advantages. For example, a weld seam would lose through the stress relieving up to 60% in strength - which can be avoided when using the MEMV method.





Picture 1. Section of a 60-ton component with a total of 35 welds: After losing the stress relieving welds up to 60% of their strength: image first section of a 60-ton component with a total of 35 welds.



Since 2014, the WIAP AG for many years engaged more intensively with the topic MEMV as previously already. Hundreds of additional hours among others with detailed investigations warranted more and more from the realization that the metal relax with vibration is not just a simple alternative technology to some areas. Rather, it is often much better solution, and recommends accordingly even the substitution of existing procedures. This applies particularly to the stress relieving. In this environment, huge energy savings are possible, for example, the technical effort is significantly lower and both the softening of the weld seam and a distortion of the component are avoided. Companies that use this unique method,


In turn, the 2017 and 2018 fostered further insights for Metal relax with vibration. Nevertheless, it is important to find additional answers and optimize processes. The subject is complex and whole still open questions it is secured to clarify, in cooperation with research laboratories. Error during execution or outliers can increase process uncertainty, for example. For this reason, WIAP AG is aiming for some time to the normalization of this type of technology. There are currently on the way there but still a significant challenge patents interfere with normalization!



2. WIAP DM3S: Machine with MEMV treated components


On behalf of a Swiss federal operation, the WIAP AG built a new machine. Within the project, numerous components were relaxed with vibration.




Figure 2. Machine bed of the new skiving and roller burnishing machine WIAP DM3S.




Figure 3. Two together tense headstocks in vibration Relax.




Figure 4. The XZ compound slide in vibration Relax.




Figure 5. Completed WIAP DM3S with about eight tons of weight of the machine (front: Sven Widmer).



3. Even heavy components stimulate and relax effectively


In 2018 the WIAP AG accepted the challenge and relaxed for the first time both a 60-ton and 110-ton component using the vibration technology. This project caused a further significant findings, which could in the future to perform additional analyzes.




Figure 6. A crane lifts the 60-ton component and places it on a rubber pad to transfer any suggestions in the hall during vibration.




Figure 7. No photo montage: Sven Widmer next to the massive device that could easily be put into a large stimulus despite the enormous dimensions.




Figure 8. The stimulator had to be clamped with 24 tons on the component.




Figure 9. 120 tonne component in the preparation phase before the MEMV relax: this component has also been put on rubber pads and the stimulator attached with 24 tons of force on the part.




Figure 10. Jim Widmer at 120 tonne component to fasten the activator in the interior.




Figure 11. Within a short time the 120-ton component was excited with a permanent fixed vibration at various, specifically localized zones. This is only possible with robust voltage and a powerful stimulator. This major component project showed how tremendously can act a powerful vibration device on components.



4. Current research project


For a long time there is the WIAP AG with the Fachhochschule Windisch in closer contact. Currently an investigation at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) was commissioned from there - the largest project funded by the public energy research center in Switzerland. In October 2018 Villigen measurements for a total of about a week started.


The extensive tests showed: With the vibration relaxing the hardness of a weld seam remains unchanged! The measurements provide important insights and help to explain the factors influencing better. There is an atomic lattice displacement in only two axes, not in the 3rd axis! Because of the hardness remains the same both when vibrated and unannealed test part. Specialists know that, however, the stress relieving may reduce the strength of a weld by up to 60%. This fact leads in practice to a significant additional work. To achieve the same result as with non-annealed welded structures, welding seams, which are then treated with an annealing process can be substantially made thicker should.




Figure 12. Poldi measurements - flow statement: 90 ° impact angle of the bounce of the neutron remains unchanged. Is the angle above or below 90° there are expansions or compressions, as well as measurable voltages.




Figure 13. Test component




Figure 14: Poldi measurement in the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Villigen, on October 24, 2018 Metal relax with vibration (MEMV) - Measurement test an annealed part.




Figure 15. Three test pieces in direct comparison: annealed, unannealed and MEMV vibriertes component.




Figure 16. Schematic representation of a typical component with weld seam for investigation.


The implementation of the Poldi measurements is as follows: From the middle of the weld seam every 5 mm is further shifted the axis. the differences in the component are then determined with 50,000 pulses per measurement point, that is, 10 mm in minus direction and 35 mm in plus direction is done every 5 mm, a measurement. Overall, a measurement run lasted about 8 hours.





Figure 17. Dick insulated measuring chamber for reliable results.





Figure 18. The test system can measure up to 15 mm wall thickness.








Figure 19. Innovative measurement system solution Poldi.




Figure 20. All WIAP MEMV relaxed directions are pointed out.




Figure 21. An employee of WIAP AG brings the components to carry out the project again in the research laboratory PSI from.



5. Patent receive the end of 2018 - current status


WIAP AG received its patent in December 2018, which was filed in 2014. In earlier years, a patent had already been issued for Switzerland and Germany, in which vibration relaxation was a constituent part. Some standardization firms thought we should withdraw these patents. One of the main reasons was that otherwise it would be much more difficult to standardize a procedure.




Figure 22. New patent from the year 2018



6. MEMV treated 12-m-pipes including dead centers determination


The WIAP AG also introduced in 2018 again tests, for example, to the case of long pipes of up to 12 m length (wall thickness about 16 mm) to determine so-called dead centers. Some also use the term nodes. Four dead centers could be determined - regardless of the used rubber pads or the axis rotation of the stimulator. These valuable insights move WIAP AG to examine the issue in the future even more intense.




Figure 23. Overall, 18 of such 12-m-tubes are treated in an Austrian operation with the WIAP MEMV method.




Figure 24. The current measurements showed a characteristic of the components that was not evident in every detail to date. Only the tests with intensive surveys using our new innovative G-displacement detection (spreading of slag) laid open: Each component has four dead centers. This was true for all 18 investigated components; the behavior was the same in full compliance. Each component possessed exactly at 1200 mm, 4000 mm, 8000 mm and 11.000 mm over a dead center.


Regardless of whether five or ten rubber pads arrived or below the component to the application, the axes were aligned to 0 ° or 45 °: The dead remained in the same place! This finding leads to investigate further measurements and new stimulation methods in the future. The aim is to answer the question: Can a dead center to be moved? And if so, how? As interesting especially the situation is to be considered if a Stimulator system should be placed exactly at the dead center. In this case, almost no G-excitation can itself arrive with the greatest eccentric stage. Consequently, the issue has relevance to the proceedings Metal relax with vibration to perform reliably.




Figure 25. In all four dead centers of the 12-m-component of the scale is rotated in different directions of rotation, depending on the position. The situation remains constant and does not change.



7. Vibrating plastic - an alternative to tempering?


A plastics manufacturer contacted us because of the following problems in connection that the operation must temper certain plastics over again. The annealing of plastic's primary objective is to reduce internal stresses in the component. The question was whether this procedure can be replaced by vibrating. Because of two different test series ran in the 2018th Preliminary Results: In four investigated with different MEMV types of components, two workpieces showed good results. Based on these positive results, the topic of "vibration of plastic" is currently in another examination process.




Figure 26. An excellent set-up is crucial in order to obtain meaningful measurements. Here, the plastic between an upper and a lower plate is fixed.




Figure 27. In the test, the flute is offset by 90 ° in order to stimulate in one clamping both the X- and the Z-axis from a position with the total energy. The Y axis remains unchanged.


To establish a practical reference, are set forth below some original statements of a plastic specialists:


"You tempering plastic only in a temperature controlled convection oven, The annealing temperature must be below the material-specific softening / melting point, During annealing, the temperature is to be kept as constant as possible and to ensure all-round air circulation within the oven, Important to the success of annealing of plastic is a slow, steady increase in temperature and the constant maintaining the temperature over a comparatively long period of time, Crucial to the success of annealing is also a very slow, even cooling. "


"Annealing interfere with the molecular structure of the plastic. By machining, in disarray 'molecular lattice they are sorted again, which solves the internal stress. In order for the acrylic glass retains that recovered positive characteristics even after annealing, a secondary cooling is important. The plastic components should be taken only at below 50 ° C from the oven and then continue to cool slowly at room temperature."



In autumn 2018, the WIAP AG resulted in a plastics manufacturer - by -two trials with MEMV treatments a corporation with about 10,000 employees. Here, so far remained unclear whether the vibration relaxation can constitute a technical alternative to tempering. but due to some positive findings, we dare already prognosis: When used properly, it may be an appropriate alternative. This, however, further investigations are first necessary to secure to get the desired result.



8. Cold Drawn material before hardening vibrate - delay investigations


The design and subsequent production of our current WIAP machine was clear: come back the proven guides in C45 as in the older machines WIAP DM2 and DM4 used. The new DM3S now has, however, via guides with dimensions of 40 mm x 70 mm. In the past, always raw material was purchased with a defined allowance. Subsequently, the material was planed to rough size or milled, then hardened and then ground to the finished size. Finally came the holes including threaded for the guides.


In the current project, the process was different from: The raw material for the guide rails of purchases in the final measure. Then some part were vibrating, the other parts were left untreated. made measurement during the final grinding process to expose the differences and realize what results can be achieved with the use of WIAP MEMV system. The result was interesting and promising. In short, the WIAP AG will no longer pre-machined guides - the delay was extremely low.
















Figure 28. In several axial directions MEMV treated material to all zones to reach safely.





Picture 29. The WIAP AG was a special scraper in order to obtain a solution an ideal Führungsabstreifung undersized. were reached 0.5 mm undersize. The guides with 39.5 mm and 69.5 mm were in the series. The guide remains on the lower surface, where it is screwed on, uncured. At a distance of 100 mm M14 thread to be incorporated herein.




Figure 30. The process Metal relax with vibration can often be used with comparatively little effort in numerous components.



9. Statement of specific terms


The WIAP AG has been working for many years with the theme "Metal relax with vibration". Due to the specific technology to and select items back here that some interested parties are likely to be less well known. Below there are some terms the corresponding brief explanation.


G-shift: Executes the AG WIAP a measurement, is measured at process beginning at a defined point. A few minutes later there is again a measurement to determine the difference or displacement of the point to the exit point. Since 2014, we not only measure at one point, but in about 16 to 24 measuring points of a component and determine as precisely the G-shift.


Dead points: Each major component has certain areas that behave vibration-neutral. Whether this is exactly the place where neutralize suggestions remains to be clarified. The fact is, however, that a component has a plurality of such zones (see Section 6). These zones we have so far called dead centers. In some references to the term "nodes" will be held. Currently it is still unclear whether the two terms describe the same phenomenon. As we work with different Stimulator methods respectively -directions, we use even the term dead center. This is intended outwardly to be clarified that the term "metal relax with Vibration" with the method related.


Stimulate / Move: A vibrator brings using rotational energy into the component.


Axis direction 0 °The zero degree axis is always the axis of a component.


Axial directions 45 °: Inclined axis direction, which always touches the X-, Y- and Z-axis - with only an excitation


Axis directions 90 °: Axial direction, which touches only the X- and Y-axis, but not the Z-direction


Axis directions 135 °: Inclined axis direction, which always touches the X-, Y- and Z-axis - with only an excitation. By the offset with respect to axial directions at 45 °, these suggestions come in other angular regions than in a 45 ° position. The type of excitation is to be selected in addition, particularly in more complex structures.


Horizontal arrangement of the axial direction: Aufspannart where only the X and Z axis is stimulated, the Y axis does not.


X axis = Transverse axis


Y-axis Always set the vertical axis


Z-axis = Horizontal long axis and



10. Summary and Conclusion


Our previous findings we will consolidate in the near future and further clarify. The aim is in particular to define exactly which processes the process Metal relax with vibration (MEMV) is more appropriate than, for example, stress relief, and when it is not usually recommended. For practical use, this means hundreds of customers receive a recommendation for action as economically safely use the MEMV technology instead of the process stress relieving. In addition, construction departments should note that an unannealed component more than 200% can have strength as a spannungsarmgeglühtes work today. Taking into account this fact, enormous economic advantages can be achieved. In addition, cracks in welds were formerly often a challenging issue.


Further results and evaluations follow in coming testimonials. Already for a long time and we know our satisfied customers but we are on the right track! The WIAP® MEMV®Verfahren ensures high process reliability with unannealed yet liberated voltage components.







13. January 2019  sw.jw.iw.HPW




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