WIAP MEMV WM850 Protocol Number System
To set a good logging, WIAP has now established the following for the WIAP® MEMV® method:
Nr. WIAP MEMV WM 850_10 data logger system with more 3 D Logging System Description: This is to a component of at least 6 digits, better at 8 positions, evenly distributed, each point measured in 3 axes and recorded. There are the G (m/s2) shifts between the forecast measurement within the first minute and after determined after about 10 minutes.
No. WIAP MEMV WM 850_12 data logger system with more 3 D Logging System Description: Fully automatic system of WM850_10
Nr. WIAP MEMV WM 850_14 multipoint analog measuring sensors measuring system Description: This is spread evenly on a component at at least 4 points, better at 6 points per axis, measured in one axis only and logged. There are the G (m/s2) shifts between the forecast measurement within the first minute and after about 10 minutes determined.
Nr. WIAP MEMV WM 850_16 multipoint 3 D analog measuring sensors measuring system Description: This is distributed to at least one component of 4 to 8 digits, with a 3 D analog measuring probe measured and logged. There are the G (m/s2) shifts between the forecast measurement within the first minute and after about 10 minutes determined.
No. WIAP MEMV WM 820_20 multipoint, manual measuring WIAP MEMV system Multiaxes 2D, 3D, 4D Description: Here is each component with a chalk marked. Y axis = vertical. X axis = Short axis Horizontal and Z axis = long axis horizontal. Each axis have min.4, better measuring points 6 to 8. It will immediately at the beginning of the process and at the end of the value determined to be then transferred to a log.
Nr. WIAP MEMV WM 850_30A protocol as measured via LC device with data acquisition Acceleration (G / resp. m / s2) speed and amp Description: Here, in the old LC devices, the value listed in 2D, 3D and 4D system, in a Report template registered to print in a Excel file no.
Nr. WIAP MEMV WM 850_30 protocol as measured via LC device with data acquisition Acceleration (G / resp. m / s2) speed and amp Description: Here, in the old LC devices, the value listed in 2D, 3D and 4D system, in a Report template registered to print from a Excel file WM 850_30
Nr. WIAP MEMV WM 850_30B protocol as measured via LC device with data acquisition Acceleration (G / resp. m / s2) speed and amp Description: Here is with the old equipment and the LC new MEMV unit of value in 2D, 3D and 4D system recorded, then in a report template component more entered to print to an Excel file No. WM 850_30
No. WIAP MEMV WM 850_32 Protocol of MEMV devices directly expression the respective processes 2D, 3D, 4D Description: This is the protocol of the MEMV device which relaxes after the automatic process. After each process is one using the touch screen Protocol printed. This replaces the Protocol WM850_30_
No. WIAP MEMV WM 850_34 Protocol of MEMV devices directly expression the respective process 2D, 3D, 4D summarized everything Description: This protocol takes the G shows shifts from the log and WM850_32 all changes from the 2D, 3D, 4D process. No. WIAP MEMV WM 850_40 single data logger graphics Description: These are the individual records of each Data logger WM 850_10. As can be well recognized, for example if an annealed part, almost no movements having. No. WIAP MEMV WM 850_90 protocol summary, overview compilation Description: This is a manually entered together position of the various measurement methods. Allows be determined that each controll methode opposite the no other has too great a difference and it can regarded as a type Process Safety Proof become. Thus, a measurement is at a component in the family to make a rule once, so that a dead center and lower G value can be seen at various zones and necessary, further measures can be selected. Nr. WIAP MEMV WM component 850_98pass numbering system for logging Description: Each component gets as Component Pass, so that the values and per component can be detected. The MEMV system has a shield with the number MEMV WM 850_98_ *****. Here is with shock figures a number taken. By means of a putty and hardener made a deduction from the hit numbers impression and then glued to the protocol. Thus, with a scaner be verified whether the component pass to the Expression and component belongs. The original shield remains at the workpiece. It can be attached thereto or Customer approved, the number directly with punch numbers into component to beat in an accessible location. The sign is the component through. The putty the protocol is the Confirmation of evaluation belonging to the component.
Pattern WIAP MEMV component pass