Photo Gallery Welded constructions
W3ha) 140 tons of clamping force for vibration relaxation. Vibrate, shake
W3hb) Swiss quality WIAP MEMV
W3hc) Jim Peter Widmer with welded construction. Metal relax with vibration
W3hd) Machine stand MEMV WIAP vibrate. Relax with vibration
W3he) Metal expansion system WIAP. Instead stress annealing
W3hf) Welded constructions. Vibration relax VSR
W3hg) Plant construction in Germany. Metal relax with vibration
W3hh) Welded construction WIAP MEMV |
W3hi) WIAP V20 MEMV vibrator. Alternative to stress glow
W3hj) Non-tension annealing. Vibrate with the system WIAP MEMV
W3hk) WIAP system on welded construction
W3hl) Welded construction. Not glow. Vibrate with the system WIAP MEMV